What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer happens if abnormal cells in the cervix grow uncontrollably. Cervical cancer takes years to develop. It can be prevented if early changes in the cervix are found and treated.

What are the risk factors for developing cervical cancers?

According to the National Cancer Institute, strong risk factors include:

How can I prevent cervical cancer?

Talk to your Generations healthcare provider to learn more about how to prevent this disease.

What are thyroid disorders?

Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the thyroid.

Types of thyroid diseases:

How are thyroid disorders diagnosed:


How common is thyroid disease?

Concerned about your thyroid? Talk with your Generations healthcare provider today!

The Joint Commission - National Quality Approval
Healthy Kids Make Better Learning - Connecticut Association of School Based Health Centers.
Patient Centered Medical Home Recognized Practice. NCQA Logo.