Medical Services
Medicare Annual Wellness Visit

What Is Medicare?
Medicare is a federal program that provides health coverage if you are 65+ or under 65 and have a disability, no matter your income.
What is the Annual Medicare Wellness visit?
The Annual Medicare Wellness Visit is a yearly appointment with your primary care provider (PCP) to create or update a personalized prevention plan. This plan may help prevent illness based on your current health and risk factors. Keep in mind this is not a head-to-toe physical.
Who is eligible for an Annual Medicare Wellness visit?
- Enrolled in Medicare Part B for more than 12 months
- Have not received an Annual Wellness Visit in the past 12 months

What to expect at your annual wellness visit
Your primary care team will develop your personalized prevention plan and may also:
- Check height, weight, blood pressure, and other routine measurements
- Give you a health risk assessment
- Review your functional ability and level of safety
- Assess your ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL)
- Review your medical and family history
- Create a 5-10 year screening schedule
- Screen for cognitive impairment
- Screen for depression
- Provide health advice and referrals to health education and/or preventive counseling services aimed to promote wellness
Generations can help you!
If you meet the above eligibility, call today and schedule your Annual Wellness Visit appointment with your Generations PCP. All Generations PCPs accept Medicare or Medicare/Medicaid insurance. New patients are welcome!
What is not covered at the medicare annual wellness visit?
A wellness visit does not address new or existing health problems, as these visits require a separate service and longer appointment. Please let our scheduling staff know if you would like help with a health problem, a medication refill or something else. We may need to schedule a separate appointment to address any issues or concerns as a separate charge applies to these services whether provided on the same date or a different date than the wellness visit.
If you qualify, Medicare covers the Annual Wellness Visit at 100 percent when you receive the service from a participating provider. All Generations Family Health Center providers are in-network for Medicare/Medicare-Medicaid Dual Insurance coverage. This means you pay nothing (no deductible or coinsurance).
Medicare Advantage Plans are required to cover Annual Wellness Visits without applying deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance when you see an in-network provider such as one of Generations providers, and you meet Medicare’s eligibility requirements for the service.
During the course of your Annual Wellness Visit, your provider may discover and need to investigate or treat a new or existing problem. This additional care is considered diagnostic, meaning your provider is treating you because of certain symptoms or risk factors. Medicare may bill you for any diagnostic care you receive during a preventive visit.