Specialty: Internal Medicine (IM) and General Practice (GP)

Location: Danielson

Education & Training: Trained in General Internal Medicine at the Memorial Hospital of RI – Brown University Rotational Residency Training Program (1993–1996), & General Practitioner degree from Cranston General Osteopathic Hospital (1991–1992)

Professional Achievements: General Internal Medicine Board Certification

Personal Interests: family, lifting weights, ancient history, silent film stars, and anything New England Patriots related

Why do you work at Generations? “Now that I’ve gotten older, I can enjoy life more. My professional work schedule is more manageable, and the entire working staff from top to bottom, are both professional and courteous to patients, as well as to other coworkers. I have more help around me now, in terms of patient work up and management. It is a joy to go in to work every day, and help the surrounding Connecticut community where I can draw upon my 30 + years of knowledge and experience. I especially enjoy and feel very fortunate, that I am now given the opportunity to perform these duties in such a beautiful place, in which to work and flourish in.”

Specialty: Primary Care Medicine & Family Medicine 

Location: Norwich

Education & Training: Undergraduate at Yale, Medical school at New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, rotating internship at Botsford General Hospital (Farmington Hills, MI), and residency at St Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT

Personal Interests: Slow bike riding and doing yardwork with non-power tools

Why do you work at Generations? “Having worked as a primary care provider in private practice, urgent care and in health maintenance organizations, it is clear that FQHC is the type of practice in which I can provide the best care, and happy that Generations provides me the opportunity to practice medicine that supports the health of the community.” 

Specialty: Internal Medicine with Specialty in Infectious Disease

Location: Willimantic

Education & Training: Bachelor of science in biology, master of science and molecular biology, and medical degree from the Manhattan College, New York University, and Ross University School of Medicine

Professional Achievements: Published articles and a letter to the editor

Personal Interests: Music, singing, and plays many instruments (none of which very well). Currently play double bass in an orchestra, two jazz bands, and a small classical music ensemble. Used to play with Connecticut doctors’ orchestra when it used to be called Connecticut Valley Symphony Orchestra.

Specialty: Family Medicine 

Location: Putnam

Education:  Case Western Reserve University


Specialty: Family Medicine

Location: Willimantic

Education & Training: Quinnipiac University, DNP, MSN University of South Florida, BSN Marist College, BA

Personal Interests: Mother of two boys, Will and Rocco. French bull dog, Miss Penny Lane. Yoga. Singing. Going to concerts. Grateful Dead and Phish fan. Sits on several community boards, most recently Friends of Glastonbury High School Lacrosse (FOGL). Spends time at the beach in Cape Cod with her extended family.

Why do you work at Generations? “Giving back to a community has always been a passion of mine. Generations is the perfect place for me to accomplish this goal.”

Specialty:  Family Medicine

Location: Norwich

Education & Training: BS from Fairfield University and BSN & MSN from Regis College

Professional Achievements: AANP Certification

Personal Interests: Hiking, kayaking, traveling, and spending time with my friends and family in my spare time.

Why do you work at Generations? “One of my favorite parts about working for Generations is developing positive relationships with patients and their families.” 

Specialty: Chiropractic

Location: Willimantic

Education & Training: Graduation from Life Chiropractic College West in California

Professional Achievements: Owned and/or practiced in many offices from the West Coast to the East Coast.

Personal Interests: Hiking, mountain biking, the human body, my family, and biblical history

Why do you work at Generations? “Widen the influence of chiropractic care to the medical community on to the patients that do not otherwise have access.” 

Specialty: Family Practice 

Location: Willimantic

Education & Training: University of Connecticut 

Specialty: Family medicine specializing in wounds

Location: Norwich

Education & Training: BSN from University of Mobile and DNP from Samford University

Professional Achievements: AANP Certification and NAWCCB Wound Care Certified

Personal Interests: Have 2 cats that are my babies, Buttons and Precious.  Enjoy church, music, art and crafts.

Why do you work at Generations? “I wanted to work with a population of patients that are often overlooked and need quality, compassionate care.  I want to know that at the end of the day, my patients feel listened to and cared about.”

Specialty: Family Medicine

Location: Danielson

Education & Training: Bachelor’s from URI & BSN and MSN from Regis College

Professional Achievements: AANP Certification

Personal Interests: Spending time with family & hiking 

Why do you work at Generations? “I enjoy the patients I see, and have developed a great relationship with many through caring for them and their families over the years.”

The Joint Commission - National Quality Approval
Healthy Kids Make Better Learning - Connecticut Association of School Based Health Centers.
Patient Centered Medical Home Recognized Practice. NCQA Logo.