Latest Past Events

A Better You: Group for Adult Women

Generations Family Health Center 40 Mansfield Drive, Willimantic

PURPOSE OF THE GROUP: This group will teach coping skills and explore aspects of healthy relationships for adult women. WHO IS INVITED? • Women who have experienced trauma. • Participants must be 18+ years old. • 8 person maximum per group. • No prior group experience needed. • Open to patients of Generations, as well […]


Generations Family Health Center 40 Mansfield Drive, Willimantic

Purpose of Group: This group will explore and provide support around issues of intersectionality of gender as it relates to self, self-worth, the family, and society. Who is invited? In person support and therapy group for individuals who currently identify as transgender, non-binary, or who struggle with personal gender indentiy. Participants must be 18+ years […]

Self Esteem & Empowerment Group for Adolescent Girls

Generations Family Health Center - Putnam 202 Pomfret Street, Putnam

Self Esteem & Empowerment Group for Adolescent Girls A 7 week group that educates about self-esteem, body image, healthy relationships, and empowerment. Purpose of Group: This group will consist of adolescent girls and will assist them to develop healthy self-esteem, body image, and social skills Who is invited? Girls ages 13 to 17 (6 to […]

The Joint Commission - National Quality Approval
Healthy Kids Make Better Learning - Connecticut Association of School Based Health Centers.
Patient Centered Medical Home Recognized Practice. NCQA Logo.